
At Heamoor School we learn more than just the Geography of our planet!  We want to understand our world and our responsibility to our planet as global citizens!
To show our dedication throughout the school, we are working with Sustainable Penzance and Surfers Against Sewage on our ECO Award for 2024-2025
To achieve this we aim to:
1.  Meet to write an action plan for our school
2. Complete a Trash mob in school
3. Contact local suppliers to challenge their use of 'single use plastic'
4. Conduct a whole school assembly to spread the word on 'single use plastic'
Our progress...
1. Eco- Team set up and action plan in process
Community Ambassadors
At Heamoor, we want to encourage and empower our children to engage with our wider community of parents, families and residents of Penzance.  Our Community Ambassadors will help to drive our green message by helping draft content for the newsletters, write updates for our website and through community drives to engage parents and Penzance residents to help our environment!  Our current Year 6 pupils will also help us to link with secondary schools when they transition, creating stronger links with our secondary friends and colleagues to carry our green message further!
Before they had even begun official committee duties, our fantastic Eco-Team showed their creative flair by creating posters, stars with messages on them, information booklets and even a video to:
Pass on an important message/piece of advice to others
Inform people about plastic pollution
Show what we currently do at Heamoor to be eco-friendly
These amazing pieces of work will be put on our Eco-Board at school and on this page - well done, Eco-Team!  You are already making a BIG difference!  We are SO excited for the future with our fantastic team!