
  • Mrs Linda Cackett

    Governance Professional

    Mrs Linda Cackett – Governance Professional
    February 2023 - Present

    Mrs Cackett was appointed Governance Professional in February, 2023 and provides an independent clerking service to schools in Cornwall. Originally from Truro she lives in Bodmin and enjoys working in different primary schools, providing advice to the Governing Boards and Local Monitoring Committees on governance, constitutional and procedural matters. She provides administrative support to the Board, ensures the Board is properly constituted and manages information effectively in accordance with legal requirements.

  • Mrs Charlotte Welham

    Mrs Charlotte Welham - Chair of Governors
    10.11.2023 to 09.11.2027

    Mrs Welham was appointed Chair of Governors in November 2024. She grew up in Penzance for most of her life and has become an active member of the parenting community within the area. With a background in pharmacy, she encourages the strength of community and looking after one another. Mrs Welham is also a member of the parent panel for HomeStart Kernow, and is passionate about the importance of children’s early development and years in education. She has one child in Heamoor, with her youngest hopefully starting next year. She runs an online community for parents in the local area called Parents of Penwith which she takes great pride in.

  • Mrs Jodie Flynn

    Mrs Jodie Flynn – Headteacher – Ex-Officio Governor
    01.09.2014 - Present

    Jodie Flynn has been the Headteacher of Heamoor CP School since September 2014, bringing over two decades of experience in primary education. Prior to her current role, she served as an Acting Headteacher at another local school and spent a decade as a Deputy Headteacher and Special Educational Needs Coordinator (SENDCo) in a large 2-form entry primary school. Jodie's leadership is informed by her governance experience as a former staff governor, providing her with a strong understanding of effective school management. She is dedicated to fostering an inclusive and nurturing environment where every pupil can thrive, prioritising professional development for staff and maintaining high standards in teaching and learning. Jodie's vision for Heamoor CP School is to create a community that celebrates diversity and prepares pupils for future challenges.

  • Mr Geoff Brighton

    Mr Geoffrey Brighton – Foundation Governor
    01.04.2021 to 31.03.2025

    Geoff has considerable governance experience in the education sector having acted as governance professional to several local schools in the past, including 10 years as Company Secretary to the Penwith Education Trust. Prior to moving to Cornwall 17 years ago, Geoff was Chief Executive of a Residential Social Landlord. Today, he holds a portfolio of public appointments.

  • Mrs Katrina Searle

    Mrs Katrina Searle – Staff Governor
    14.07.2022 to 13.07.2026

    Mrs Searle is a dedicated Teaching Assistant with extensive experience in early years education, having worked in both school and nursery settings for over many years. She is passionate about fostering young learners' development and creating engaging, nurturing environments that promote curiosity and a love for learning. Proudly serving as a Staff Governor, Katrina represents her colleagues on the governing body, ensuring their voices are heard in decision-making processes. Her professional philosophy emphasises the importance of strong relationships and effective communication, while her vision for early years education focuses on play-based learning and the development of social and emotional skills, ensuring all pupils have the opportunity to thrive in their educational journey.

  • Mrs Joanne Bradbury

    Mrs Joanne Bradbury – Associate Member – Assistant Headteacher
    01.09.2024 to 31.08.2025

    Mrs Bradbury has been an Associate Member since September 2023. She has worked at Heamoor since 2021 and is now the Assistant Headteacher. She relocated to Cornwall in 2021 and lives with her husband and two daughters. Mrs Bradbury is passionate about early years and knows that we need to provide every child with meaningful experiences in order for them to thrive. She enjoys making links with the local community and is proud of the events that take place at Heamoor school to support the families and empower children to be active members of their local area.

  • Mrs Lesley Osborne

    Mrs Lesley Osborne – Associate Member – Assistant Headteacher & SENDCO
    01.09.2024 to 31.08.2025

    Mrs Osborne has been employed at Heamoor School for 5 years initially as the Special Educational Needs and Disabilities Coordinator (SENDCO) and in September 2018 she was also appointed as one of the Assistant Headteachers.

    She graduated as a Teacher in 1993 and has taught across the Early Years and Primary age range. During a break from schools she worked for 8 years for Cornwall Council as the Senior SENDCO for Early Years, training SENDCOs and supporting families of children with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities, and the Pre-Schools and Nurseries that they attended to ensure inclusion.
    She has also worked in an Alternative Provision Academy as a Family Support Manager and for the Disabled Children and Therapy Social Care team for Cornwall Council, as a Team Leader. For 14 years she held SEND Governor roles at a local primary and secondary school and was also the Staff Governor at Heamoor.

    She is also the Designated Teacher for Children in Care and Previously Looked After Children at Heamoor as well as being the Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead. She absolutely loves her job at Heamoor, she finds it is very challenging as Heamoor is an inclusive school with incredibly skilled and determined staff who strive to help every child, whatever their abilities, to have a fun, challenging and interesting journey through their primary schooling. The school’s collective aim is to make the best decisions for the children in their care and work hard as a team to get things right for the school community.

    Out of school she enjoys gig rowing and coxing gig crews in competitions. She lives on a farm with her husband and daughter and keeps cattle and horses. She manages a holiday let and a shepherd’s hut on the farm and is learning how to keep sheep! Her son and his wife live in Winchester with her beautiful grandsons. Life is always busy but she loves it that way.

  • Mrs Natasha Andrews

    Vice Chair of Governors

    Mrs Natasha Andrews – Co-opted Governor – Vice Chair of Governing Board
    13.11.2023 to 12.11.2027

  • Mrs Alana Richards

    Parent Governor

    Mrs Alana Richards - Parent Governor
    10.11.2023 to 09.11.2027

    Miss Richards has been a dedicated and compassionate school governor since November 2023. With a wealth of experience in supporting children and families, Miss Richards brings a deep understanding of the challenges and opportunities within educational settings. Miss Richards is the Governor for children with Special Educational Needs at Heamoor School.

    Before her role as a governor, Miss Richards worked as a Family Support Worker for Cornwall Council, where she played a pivotal role in supporting families through difficult times. Alana’s expertise also extends to early years education, having worked extensively in nursery provision. She specialised in supporting children with special educational needs, a role that required patience, empathy, and a thorough understanding of individual needs. Her ability to create inclusive, supportive learning environments has given her a deep appreciation for the importance of early intervention and the role schools play in nurturing children’s potential.

    In her current role as a governor, Alana is committed to ensuring that the voices of both children and parents are heard and that the school continues to foster an environment where every child, regardless of their background or needs, can succeed.

    Miss Richards has three children, two who are currently at Heamoor School and one at Mounts Bay Academy. Two of her children have special educational needs and Miss Richards has a really good understanding of the processes and challenges in school in identifying and meeting need. She brings a compassionate, people-focused approach to decision-making, underpinned by her background in family support and special education.

Types of Governors

Parent governor:

Parent governors are elected by other parents at the school. Subject to disqualifications set out below, any parent which includes a person with parental responsibility, or carer, of a registered pupil at the school at the time of election is eligible to stand for election as a parent governor. Parent governors may continue to hold office until the end of their term of office even if their child leaves the school.


Local authority governor:

Local authority governors are nominated by the local authority but appointed by the governing body. The local authority can nominate any person who is eligible to be a local authority governor, but it is for the governing body to decide whether their nominee has the skills required to contribute to the effective governance and success of the school and meets any other eligibility criteria they have set. Local authorities should therefore make every effort to understand the governing body’s requirements and identify and nominate suitable candidates.


Co-opted governor:

Co-opted governors are appointed by the governing body. They are people who in the opinion of the governing body have the skills required to contribute to the effective governance and success of the school.


Associate member:

Associate members are appointed by the governing body to serve on one or more governing body committee. They may also attend full governing body meetings. They are not governors and therefore do not have a vote in governing body decisions, but may be given a vote on decisions made by committees to which they are appointed. Associate members should be appointed because of the specific expertise and experience they can contribute to the effective governance and success of the school.


 Our Governing Body

The full governing body usually meets once a term. At these meetings one of the committees may be charged with undertaking a specific pieces of work on behalf of the Full Governing Body. Reports from individual governors on their specific areas of responsibility are also shared at these meetings.


The committees (;Resources' finance & premises, 'Curriculum & Standards' and 'Personnel') meet each term prior to the Full Governing Body meeting. Their work and recommendations feed into the full governing body. There is also a group of 3 governors who work with the support and advice of an external consulatnt to undertake the performance management of the headteacher.


Individual governors have specific areas of responsibility. During the year each governor will meet with the member of teaching staff responsible for the same specific area to discuss progress, curriculum coverage and the development of the area across the whole school. They are invited to staff development sessions including those related to Child Protection.


Governors also take part in the recruitment of teaching staff. They have been trained in safer recruitment procedures as part of our safeguarding policies.