Key Roles

Heamoor Community Primary School, Bosvenna Way, Heamoor, Penzance TR18 3JZ

Telephone: 01736 364 868


Key Staff:

Headteacher - Mrs Jodie Flynn
Assistant Headteachers: Mrs Joanne Bradbury and Mrs Lesley Osborne.
SEND Co-ordinator - Mrs Lesley Osborne

Staff who act as first point of contact for parents, visitors, general enquiries etc.:
School Secretary - Mrs Carol Nicholls
School Office Support - Mrs Alison Steer

If you wish to contact any of the above members of staff, please email the School Secretary in the first instance 

Chair of Governors:

Mrs Charlotte Welham c/o Heamoor Community Primary School, Bosvenna Way, Heamoor, Penzance TR18 3JZ