
  • Mr Ben Davies

    Maths Lead

At Heamoor School we aim to provide a maths curriculum that is engaging and creative; one that inspires confidence in every child so that they become resilient and independent learners. We aim to develop the skills necessary for children to use and apply their knowledge both in lessons and in the outside world.  They will understand problems, become ‘deep thinkers’ and be able to reason about the world around them.  They will know the purpose of their learning, relate it to real life and use it in their everyday lives.  Most importantly they will develop a love of maths that is evident in the ‘buzz’ for learning that exists for each child.

Here is the 3I's document which outlines what we do, why we are doing it and the impact that it has on our children's progress and confidence in maths. 

Maths Provision
Below is the Maths Long Term Plan. It outlines what children in each year group will be learning in each term.
Maths in the Early Years
Our EYFS team have created a beautiful, engaging learning environment for all of the children in Red Class. Children are provided with daily maths lessons where we use a combination of taught lessons, focused adult-led group activities, continuous provision, outdoor activities and many other fun maths activities that are set up around the room. These activities are both linked to the current Red Class project and identified learning gaps.
Our learning environments help our children to become confident mathematicians and celebrate success.
We all had SO much fun taking part in Number Day on 2nd February! We dressed up in 'number' clothes and engaged in fun, practical maths activities whilst raising money for this incredibly important charity! 
Book Look
Take a look at our maths books here at Heamoor. Every child is given daily challenges that focus on developing their fluency, reasoning and problem solving.
We love our 'Active Maths' lessons, where children take part in fun, practical maths lessons that focus on specific areas of their learning - whilst exercising too!
Active Maths Case Study
We completed a case study on 'Using Active Learning to Build Collective Identity'. The case study is available on the Teach Active website using the link below.