Pupil Illness & Medicines

Illness At School

It is a requirement that parents always provide up-to-date contact addresses or telephone numbers in the event of an accident at school.  Whenever possible it is preferred that if hospitalisation is necessary a parent or friend should be available to accompany the child. We ask parents to always let the school know of any alterations in their circumstances.


We are fortunate to have many of our members  of staff with first aid qualifications.  We are only able to deal with low level and short-term sickness.  Pupils should never be sent to school if they are already ill or showing signs of being so.  There is no provision or accommodation to deal with illness in school, and it is unfair on those who become ill while at school and could transmit this illness to pupils and staff. Where a child has experienced vomiting, NHS guidance is for them to remain off school for 48 hours from when the nausea stops. In any event, teaching staff cannot be made  available to take children home during the working day.


It is essential that the teaching staff are aware of any medical problems children may have. We issue a Pupil Welfare Form to all new parents as part of our  School Admissions Booklet. We also place a reminder about Pupil Welfare information in our newsletter at the beginning of every year to remind parents to let us know if their child’s health/medical circumstances have changed. It is the responsibility of parents/carers to let us know if their child is in need of special medical consideration or treatment or if circumstances change during their time at Heamoor School.



No medicines will be administered to children in school unless a parent or guardian has visited the school to explain the dosage and has signed the appropriate form.  Without this signature no medicine can be given.  All medicines are to be brought to the office already labelled.