Mrs Lesley Osborne
lesley.osborne@heamoor.cornwall.sch.ukMeet our SENDCO, Mrs Osborne, she is one of our Assistant Headteachers and also a member of the Senior Leadership Team. Her email is listed should you wish to contact her with any Special Needs related queries.
Statement of intent - Special Educational Needs and Disability
Heamoor Community Primary School is a fully inclusive setting and we believe all children have an equal right to a full and rounded education.
Every staff member at Heamoor is a teacher of children with special educational needs. We have high expectations for all pupils and aim to create an environment that promotes independent learning. Lessons are well planned with differentiated learning intentions and success criteria. Reasonable adjustments are made and resources provided so that all children can access every lesson at their own level. Well trained additional adults are effectively deployed in a variety of ways across the school and alternative learning spaces are provided for those children that need this.
We believe that partnership plays a key role in enabling children and young people with SEN to achieve. We always listen carefully to the voice of the child and take into account their views and wishes, as well as that of their parents and carers, when planning for learning.
It is important to us that all children are happy in their learning and are empowered to reach their full potential.
Lesley Osborne
SENDCO, Heamoor CP School
SEND Policy 2025-2026.pdf
SEN Information Report 2025-2026.pdf
Our SEND Local Offer Heamoor Jan 2025.pdf
Heamoor School SEN response summary 2025.pdf
A Quick Guide to SEND strategies at Heamoor 2025.pdf
Your SEND Team at Heamoor School.pdf
'When I started looking for a new school I knew as soon as I walked into Heamoor that this needed to be my children's new home.'
'Every single thing about it filled me with hope for a fresh new start. Every classroom welcoming with areas for learning and areas to be cosy and relaxed, sensory spaces, outdoor choices and so many lovely people.'
'Every time we need to talk about a sticky moment it is never negative. There is always a plan or idea.'
'The school looks after all of us. They care about me just as much as my children. They cheer us on through every failure and success. I know they don't have to do this but they go above in every situation.'
'This is the 3rd set of EHCP review paperwork I have read today, and the only one that makes the child come alive and where the unconditional positive regard for the child is so evident.'
(Cornwall Council Advisor)
'It has been a long time since I’ve seen a TA this good.'
(Cornwall Council Advisory Teacher)