
Our Swimming Programme at Heamoor


In an effort to increase the number of pupils able to swim a minimum of 25metres. We continue to offer swimming as part of the PE curriculum as standard and we now offer additional sessions throughout the year on a weekly basis for those children who need additional support which we call "25 Club"


All pupils receive continuous swimming tuition for at least 1.5 terms as soon as they join the school and then again in the first half term of Year 1. We are a county surrounded by water and therefore it is extremely important that our children can swim and are confident in the water from an early age.

We also provide additional sessions for our older children in  Year 2 and upper key stage 2 at the end of the summer term to revisit their skills before they move on to their next key stage.

Alongside this we run the ’25 Club’ which is an ongoing intervention to ensure that maybe weaker, less confident swimmers or those making slower progress have the opportunity to reach the goal of 25 metres before they leave our school. These sessions are funded through our PE premium funding.