Computing and E-Safety
Mr Scott Markham
Computing Lead
At Heamoor School, we believe that a procedural and conceptual knowledge and safe use of computers and computer systems is a key life skill for the future. We empower children to become confident, compassionate, and digitally literate members of their modern community.
We teach the computing subject content outlined in the National Curriculum in a progressive manner in line with our current Long Term Plan to underpin the four key elements of a high quality computing education:
1. Curriculum with breadth and knowledge
2. Declarative knowledge
3. Procedural knowledge
4. Skilful use of technology
As a school, we have access to multiple class sets of Chrome books as well I-pads, microbits and various other digital devices to support our learners.
We are dedicated to ensure that alongside digital literacy, we are developing a deeper understating of what it means to stay safe on line and how to highlight any concerns that children (and adults) may encounter whilst on line.
This page will give you all the relevant information with regards to our rationale, values and progression maps that impact our children. It is also a means to disseminate any current messages and of course it's a great place to see what exciting learning is happening throughout the school.