Role of the Governor

Statutory Guidance for Governing Bodies
Heamoor School adhere to the statutory guidance from the Department for Education. This means that governing bodies must have regard to it when carrying out duties relating to the constitution of governing bodies in maintained schools. For further information please download the full document below (updated in August 2017). 

Types of Governors

Parent governor:

Parent governors are elected by other parents at the school. Subject to disqualifications set out below, any parent which includes a person with parental responsibility, or carer, of a registered pupil at the school at the time of election is eligible to stand for election as a parent governor. Parent governors may continue to hold office until the end of their term of office even if their child leaves the school.


Local authority governor:

Local authority governors are nominated by the local authority but appointed by the governing body. The local authority can nominate any person who is eligible to be a local authority governor, but it is for the governing body to decide whether their nominee has the skills required to contribute to the effective governance and success of the school and meets any other eligibility criteria they have set. Local authorities should therefore make every effort to understand the governing body’s requirements and identify and nominate suitable candidates.


Co-opted governor:

Co-opted governors are appointed by the governing body. They are people who in the opinion of the governing body have the skills required to contribute to the effective governance and success of the school.


Associate member:

Associate members are appointed by the governing body to serve on one or more governing body committee. They may also attend full governing body meetings. They are not governors and therefore do not have a vote in governing body decisions, but may be given a vote on decisions made by committees to which they are appointed. Associate members should be appointed because of the specific expertise and experience they can contribute to the effective governance and success of the school.


 Our Governing Body

The full governing body usually meets once a term. At these meetings one of the committees may be charged with undertaking a specific pieces of work on behalf of the Full Governing Body. Reports from individual governors on their specific areas of responsibility are also shared at these meetings.


The committees (;Resources' finance & premises, 'Curriculum & Standards' and 'Personnel') meet each term prior to the Full Governing Body meeting. Their work and recommendations feed into the full governing body. There is also a group of 3 governors who work with the support and advice of an external consulatnt to undertake the performance management of the headteacher.


Individual governors have specific areas of responsibility. During the year each governor will meet with the member of teaching staff responsible for the same specific area to discuss progress, curriculum coverage and the development of the area across the whole school. They are invited to staff development sessions including those related to Child Protection.


Governors also take part in the recruitment of teaching staff. They have been trained in safer recruitment procedures as part of our safeguarding policies.